Shake, Rattle and Roll!
I really don't like to moan about my aches and pains and try not to bother anyone with my tales of pain and fatigue........ but there are days when I just feel like I am not sure I can do this for the rest of my life! I am now taking so many pills that I feel as though you could hear me coming from a mile away as I "shake, rattle and roll!" down the pathways.
I am sure that I am not taking as many pills as some other people, but for me this is a lot! I have been sick my whole life and so should be used to taking medication by now (after 44 years!) but I still find it hard to swallow pills and feel quite ill after taking even pain killers.
To top it all off, I have just changed GP's as we moved a year ago (and only just got the courage to change GP's) and the new senior doctor is questioning why I am taking certain meds. Here is what I am taking every day:
am :
1 x Fexafendine : urticaria and hay fever
1 x sertraline : depression
1 x hydroxichloroquinne : trial for arthritis pain
2 x co-cododamol : (4 hourly) in advance to cope with the daily pain of arthritis
1 x Limecycline : to keep my rosacea at bay
2 x puffs seretide : asthma steroid
2 x puffs salbutamol : asthma reliever
1 x montelukast : to help me sleep through the night without waking up wheezing
1 x hydroxichloroquinne : trial for arthritis pain
2 x co-cododamol : to help me sleep through the pain at night
I am wrapping my fingers in coflex now to protect them from bumps and also the strapping is helping with the pain. I have also been given a brace for my ring finger as my finger is bending at quite a bad angle now so the hand therapist is trying to straighten out my bone (which is extremely painful and I cannot wear it for too long).
These bulges are called Heberden's Nodes and are extremely painful and not very pretty to look at either.
What is a hebeden's node?

To my hubby, he would carry me around if I needed him to (and may need to later on in my life), he has unlimited patience with me when I have my down days and become the wicked witch of the west! I could not cope without him.

To my son Garry who is always on hand to carry my shopping and lift things for me around the house and does it with a smile on his face even when he has a football injury of his own. I am so grateful that he is around when I need him. I am grateful to him listening to my moans too when I have a bad day.
To my grand-chicken Addison who lights up my life with his smile and energy. I am so glad that I can still do some things with him like dancing and painting etc, I need to enjoy this while I can.
To my little sister Sarah, who lives further away but obviously thinks of me a lot. Constantly sending me messages to see how I am feeling. I am grateful for everything we have been through together in the last 10 years that have brought us so much closer together and understand the extent of her love for me because of it all.
so nearly time for bed and some pills to take........... At least I get a full nights sleep because of the tablets I take at night for which I am really grateful as it is a lot easier to face the next day of pain when you body has rested the night before.
Gosh Lesley - I never realised you have been ill all your life. Sending you warm hugs from me <3